One of these would be
a great help!
(Not complaining if you do both)
Thank you for giving thought to supporting my work! These are the two ways you can help me create more and better art for you more frequently:
First of all, I understand that not everyone is able to contribute with money.
No problem at all! There is another way you can help me grow and create more art!
I am currently on 3 social networks: Instagram, Twitter, and DeviantArt (there is a chance some of them led you here).
If you use any of them, it would be a great help if you followed me and shared my work, because:
1. The more people see my art, the faster it will reach those who appreciate it. It is heartbreaking to create a piece of art and realize it’s not reaching anyone.
2. The faster I reach the right audience, the faster I will be able to quit my regular job and devote all my time to creating art you will enjoy! 🙂
You can reach my social networks by using the icons at the bottom of the page. Thanks in advance! Believe me- it means a lot! 🙂
The second way:
Of course, in case you do have some change to spare, consider becoming my patron.
Even a symbolic donation or subscribing to the cheapest tier on my Patreon might help me spend more time creating art, and provide you with more pieces you will love! Not to mention, by doing this, you will also receive sexier, uncensored versions of stuff as a bonus! Everyone likes sexier versions of stuff! 😀
Some things you can regularly receive as a patron are max resolution images with no bottom stamp, lineart PNGs, unpublished variations (sexier stuff), vote polls… Check it out- it might just float your boat. 😉